Coaching The Game of Life
Key Highlights:
Coaches look at the ‘game’ we already have and work with our strengths and weaknesses to refine our game
As a Coach, my clients’ lives already work, and now they are interested in how to make them even better.
Our goal is to find their edge and advantages while also looking for those personal glitches that are holding them back from performing their best.
“Coaching comes from the world of Sports and The Arts where athletes and actors receive coaching so that their work will become extraordinary instead of just okay. Coaching gives clients a secret weapon, a competitive edge, that their uncoached peers do not enjoy. [Coaching] is there to help people to reach their higher callings and unlived lives.”
“What is life and business coaching and why would I need it?” is a common question I am asked.
I like the quote above as it answers the question of what you already know about coaching, especially sports coaching.
Most of us have learned how to play a past-time sport for the purpose of playing with our friends for fun.
However, if we decide we want to become better and play at a higher more competitive level, we get ourselves a coach.
What does that coach do?
They don’t teach us how to play the game.
We already know the game; coaches hone in on the specifics.
Coaches look at the game we already have and work with our strengths and weaknesses to refine our game. Federer, Djokovic and Nadal all play the same game we call “tennis”, but each has worked with their coaches to develop their best game, suited to their strengths and weaknesses.
Life and business coaching operate similarly.
My clients are already successful human beings.
They have jobs or own businesses, have friends and family, hobbies, and past times.
They have already proven themselves capable, they come to me because they want to take their lives from workable to exceptional.
I have clients starting businesses or building businesses or searching for their next career move.
I have clients whose careers are established but who want to focus on creating a personal life that really reflects their values and priorities.
My clients’ lives already work, and now they are interested in how to make them even better.
As with sports coaching, my clients and I look at their strengths and weaknesses.
We switch from looking at the general “Game of Life” to looking at the specific game they are playing.
We look for better ways for them to play their game.
Our goal is to find their edge and advantages while also looking for those personal glitches that are holding them back from performing their best.
My clients and I are looking at both their big goals and their small habits to figure out what is working and what is not working.
A lot of time we make small adjustments that have BIG effects as my clients create extraordinary lives for themselves.
This is all to say that life and business coaching is very individualist, much like high-level sports coaching.
Now to come back to those questions posed at the beginning of this piece: What is coaching and why would I need it?
What is Coaching?
It’s fine-tuning.
You are already a successful human being, but we can always refine our game.
Why Coaching?
Because you want to play big.
Because you want to take your life to the next level.
Because you know that the next level is there; you just haven’t been able to figure out how to get there on your own.
These ideas of transformation and personalization are the ideas that led me to fall in love with coaching.
I’m interested in what you want, what you see possible, and I’m driven by the opportunity to help you get there.
If that sounds like a game you are interested in, I would love to offer you a complimentary 90-minute session to get a sense of me, my coaching, and (most importantly) what is possible for you out of life or business coaching.