Newly Diagnosed with ADHD? Uncover Your Essential Next Step Here

Key Highlights:

  • ADHD can feel isolating, overwhelming and hopeless at times

  • The best way to tackle these feelings is to build a team to help support you.

  • Your team may include doctors, therapists, coaches, friends, family, even social media groups.

  • Having a team means having people to turn to when you feel isolated, overwhelmed or hopeless. You don’t have to do ADHD alone!


Build A Team

When you are newly diagnosed with ADHD it can feel overwhelming and isolating, but you don’t have to manage it alone.

Lately, I have read several testimonials for Adults newly diagnosed with ADHD.

It has been heartbreaking at times.

Many express total overwhelm and hopelessness with no idea of how to improve things.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about these individuals.

Part of me wants to say “Get a coach. Set some goals. Start small. Life can be better.” But that’s an incomplete answer. After a lot of reflection, I began to see the larger response I wanted to give.

Below is my much more complete answer and it starts simply: Build a Team.

ADHD can feel incredibly isolating. Friends and family may not understand or “believe” in ADHD. A past of failed projects, deadlines, and dreams can crush confidence in the future. The isolation and shame can be paralytic. That history of regret mixed with the overwhelm of the present can make life seem insurmountable if you are facing it alone. This is why you need a Team.

Having a Team is important.

First of all, none of us should feel like we have to go through this world alone. Your team should include people who know more about ADHD than you.

They are a resource for you to go to for help. Others, like friends or family, may not know anything about ADHD, but if they make you feel loved and less alone they’re needed on The Team, too!

Your Team are the people you can be authentic with.

If you’re struggling with your medication, you need to be able to speak honestly with your medical team.

If you’re struggling with shame or guilt, you need a therapist with whom you can have an open conversation or a friend you can reach out to.

And if you are struggling to reach your goals, having an ADHD coach you can be authentic with can make all the difference in the world.

That might sound like a lot, but you probably already have pieces of your team assembled, you just haven’t been looking at them that way.

  • If you have a doctor you like and trust, that’s a key team member.

  • If you’re using a psychiatrist for your ADHD meds and they are accessible, trustworthy and listen to you, they are another key Team Member!

  • A therapist is another great individual to have on your team. I’ve used the word “shame” several times because it is a very real issue for many adults with ADHD. Having a therapist you trust who specializes in ADHD will help you address that shame and find your path to hope.

  • Additionally, as you look forward, an ADHD coach can be a powerful ally to have on your team. ADHD coaches understand ADHD and are forward-focused. They can help you establish your goals and help identify the steps to get there in ADHD-friendly ways.

  • Friends and family who understand your ADHD, or are willing to learn, are some of the most important team members anyone can have. Unfortunately, that also means giving a careful look at friends and family who may not be as understanding and supportive. You don’t have to cut anyone out, but being clear that they’re not “on the team” means you know whom you can go to for help and whom to avoid.

  • Lastly, a huge free resource for the Team can be social media. Some amazing individuals out there are sharing their ADHD experiences with a deep desire to help others. When you find them, put them on the team roster as well! Maybe you visit their sites, read their blogs, and watch their videos. Maybe it’s a social media group with discussions that give you hope, relief, or comfort. Build that team!

Clearly, some of these team members can be costly. Utilize your insurance if you have it or public services (don’t know if there are any near you, ask your local librarian!). Ask about sliding scales or scholarships as well when working with professionals. It can’t hurt.

Before I go on, let’s take a moment to pause.

This is a lot of information, especially for the overwhelmed ADHD individual. So let’s break it down into useful steps:

  1. Commit to building a team. You do not have to do this alone!

  2. Start listing out the individuals already on your team….doctors, therapist, coach, friends, family, social media groups, and anyone else who you feel supports you.

  3. Now look over your Team Roster. Who would be the next most helpful individual you could add to your team?

  4. Focus on finding that Team Member!

  5. Don’t forget to utilize your Team Members. When you have questions, when you need support, reach out to your Team.

Finally, I want to add these last two important pieces.

First, be sure to appreciate and acknowledge your team!

And second of all, once you and your team have landed you in a better place, pay it forward by being a teammate for others!

There is light at the end of the tunnel. I have worked with many clients who felt utterly hopeless when we started. It’s not easy and it’s not fast work, but it is doable to learn the skills and tools necessary to manage your life with ADHD and live a happier life.

Step One: Build Your Team!


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