How to Stop ADHD From Running the Show

AKA “Don't Let ADHD Drive The Bus”

Key Highlights:

  • ADHD is a terrible driver, but a great passenger.

  • Learning to identify when ADHD is “driving the bus” is the first step to getting ADHD out of the driver’s seat.

  • Allowing ADHD to contribute its’ awesome skills as a passenger allows your ADHD to shine while still driving you towards your goals.


“Have we ever talked about ADHD driving the bus?” I asked one of my clients the other day.

“Maybe?” She faltered.

“Probably not then,” I answered. “It’s a very simple idea:

Don’t let ADHD drive the bus.”

My client chuckled for a second.

“It’s funny because you know exactly what I’m talking about. ADHD should not be in charge of driving the bus, or any vehicle really.

Yes, it’s just a metaphor, but in reality, I think you know what it’s like when ADHD is behind the wheel.

You get lost or miss turns.

Maybe you're driving to the grocery store, but end up at the mall. You’re changing radio stations and blow through a stop sign.

It doesn’t go much better when ADHD is driving your life,” I continued.

“Now with that said,

ADHD makes for an AWESOME passenger.

ADHD is enthusiastic and optimistic about all the possibilities on the trip.

ADHD will find the cutest little towns to stop in for a bite to eat.

ADHD will bring the yummiest snacks and have the best playlists for listening to in the car.

You want ADHD to come along for the ride and contribute its best parts, but driving is probably not its strength.”

“I like that,” my client responded. “I like it because I get it. I know what it’s like when ADHD is driving the bus and it’s not fun…but I also like this idea because it acknowledges the value my ADHD does have to offer.”


If you are a parent, you may recognize the reference to the classic Mo Willems book, Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.

Pigeon is an eager, enthusiastic bird, who would very much like to drive the bus. He’s persistent enough about it to make a book-length children’s story around him.

His energy, persistence, and optimism remind me of the best parts of the ADHD brain.

And yes, I do like to talk about ADHD as just being part of the brain. That may not be anatomically or psychologically accurate, but it seems to work metaphorically for my clients.

So if ADHD should not be driving the bus, who should be driving the bus?

Well, the bus and the road trip are metaphors for you and your bigger goals. The part of the brain that comes out when I talk with clients about their larger goals is the part that should be driving.

It’s the part of yourself that can see the big picture and the path there. It’s the part identifying your destination, mapping out the route, and coming up with realistic expectations about how long it will take to get there. That’s the part of your brain you want to drive the bus.

That part of your brain remembers to look at the map and where you are going.

And the ADHD part of your brain? The passenger?

It’s your levity and your fun along the way. It also might come in handy on the journey with its creative problem-solving abilities, talent to hyper-focus on a tough task, or to provide an unexpected surge of energy in crunch time.

ADHD is part of you and can be important to your journey.

Learning that there is a time and a place for ADHD to shine is a powerful experience.

Learning to identify when it has slipped behind the wheel is equally as important.

One of my favorite calls with a client started with, “Katherine, ADHD drove the bus most of the week….”

Being able to identify ADHD driving things was our first step in getting ADHD to get back in the passenger seat.

How do you get ADHD back in the passenger seat?

Some of my clients do that by working out first thing in the morning. Others use consistent breaks throughout the day to give ADHD its moment.

Some clients take long midday walks to calm ADHD back into the passenger seat. For each client the answer is a little different, but this metaphor helps them envision a way to let another part of the brain drive the bus.

Next time you realize you’ve been doom-scrolling for hours or needed to finish an important work project but cleaned out the pantry instead, stop and acknowledge it.

“Oops! ADHD got behind the wheel again. How do I put him (or her) back in the passenger’s seat?”

Then let me know what you did and how it helped!

If you’d like some further help in getting behind the wheel again, schedule your FREE introductory coaching session with me below.


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