The No Zero Days Philosophy
(Quotes by /u/ryans01)
Have you heard of the No Zero Days Philosophy? I’ll be honest, I hadn’t until a client shared it with me, but once he told me about its simple methodology for getting things done when everything feels overwhelming, I was compelled to find it online and read it for myself. Since then I have shared it with several of my clients. It doesn’t resonate with everyone, but for the clients it does click with I have seen profound, positive changes in their behavior. For that reason I felt compelled to share it here as well.
The No Zero Days Philosophy comes from a response to a reddit post. The initial post has since been deleted but consisted of an individual asking for help:
"I have lots of things I want to learn and do with my life, but I can't even bring myself to do what I'm required to do...
"I hate feeling like this, but not even enough to do something about it."
Many redditors responded, but one in particular by /u/ryans01 resonated deeply with the reddit community and has spread from there. He offered a very detailed response sharing the philosophy by which he overcame his own “self doubt, frustration and loathing”, a philosophy that has come to be known as “No Zero Days”. I outline the idea below using direct quotes from Ryan because, to be honest, he says it so well. (Warning: There is profanity in this post.) And if you would like to read the whole post in it's entirety, you can do that here.
The No Zero Days Philosophy
“There are no more zero days. What’s a zero day? A zero day is when you don’t do a single... thing towards got going on.”
Rule #1: “There are no more zero days. What's a zero day? A zero day is when you don't do a single fucking thing towards whatever dream or goal or want or whatever that you got going on. No more zeros. I'm not saying you gotta bust an essay out everyday, that's not the point….promise yourself, that the new SYSTEM you live in is a NON-ZERO system. Didn’t do anything all fucking day and it's 11:58 PM? Write one sentence. One pushup. Read one page of that chapter. One. Because one is non zero. You feel me? When you're in the super vortex of being bummed your pattern of behaviour is keeping the vortex goin’, that's what you're used to. Turning into productivity ultimate master of the universe doesn't happen from the vortex. It happens from a massive string of CONSISTENT NON ZEROS. That's rule number one. Do not forget.”
“BE GRATEFUL TO THE 3 YOU’S....There’s the past you, the present you, and the future you….Be GRATEFUL to the past you for the positive things you’ve done. And do favours for the future you like you would for your best bro.”
Rule #2: “BE GRATEFUL TO THE 3 YOU'S. Uh what? 3 me's? …There’s the past you, the present you, and the future you….you gotta learn to love yourself, and the 3 you's are the key. Be GRATEFUL to the past you for the positive things you've done. And do favours for the future you like you would for your best bro. Feeling like shit today? Stop a second, think of a good decision you made yesterday. Salad and tuna instead of Big Mac? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME. Was yesterday a nonzero day because you wrote 200 words (hey, that's all you could muster)? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME. Saved up some coin over time to buy that sweet thing you wanted? THANK YOU. Second part of the 3 me's is you gotta do your future self a favour, just like you would for your best fucking friend (no best friend? you do now. You got 2. It's future and past you). Tired as hell and can't get off reddit/videogames/interwebs? fuck you present self, this one's for future me, i'm gonna rock out p90x Ab Ripper X for 17 minutes. I'm doing this one for future me. Alarm clock goes off and bed is too comfy? fuck you present self, this one's for my best friend, the future me….MAKE SURE YOU THANK YOUR OLD SELF for rocking out at the end of every.single.thing. that makes your life better. The cycle of doing something for someone else (future you) and thanking someone for the good in your life (past you) is key to building gratitude and productivity….Over time you should spread the gratitude to others who help you on your path.”
“FORGIVE YOURSELF. I mean it. ..Tried your best to have a nonzero day yesterday and it failed? so what. I forgive you previous self. I forgive you.”
Rule #3: “FORGIVE YOURSELF. I mean it. Maybe you got all the know-how, money, ability, strength and talent to do whatever is you wanna do. But lets say you still didn't do it. Now you're giving yourself shit for not doing what you need to, to be who you want to. Heads up champion, being dissapointed in yourself causes you to be less productive. Tried your best to have a nonzero day yesterday and it failed? so what. I forgive you previous self. I forgive you. But today? Today is a nonzero masterpiece to the best of my ability for future self…. Forgiveness man, use it. I forgive you. Say it out loud.”
“…exercise and books. that’s it….Get some books.”
Rule #4: “…exercise and books. that's it….when you exercise you get high from endorphins (thanks body). when you exercise you clear your mind. when you exercise you are doing your future self a huge favour….As for books, almost every fucking thing we've all ever thought of, or felt, or gone through, or wanted, or wanted to know how to do, or whatever, has been figured out by someone else. Get some books”
TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read):
“1. Nonzero days as much as you can.
2. The three you’s, gratitude and favours.
3. Forgiveness
4. Exercise and books (which is a sneaky way of saying self improvement, both physical, emotional and mental)”
That’s it. No Zero Days. Does it resonate with you? If so, give it a try. If not, that’s okay, too. Keep reading. Keep Searching. You’ll find the spark or you’ll create it yourself. When you do, I’d love to hear about it.