Life Coaching & ADHD Blog
How Coaching is Like Eating Your Favorite Dessert
We have all seen a cake disappear in slivers. My coaching is the same. Our mission is to get you to your big dreams, but we do it sliver by sliver.
Focusmate - The Online Coworking Tool for ADHD
If your ADHD responds well to body-doubling or you're reliable when someone else is counting on you, then Focusmate may be your answer to getting tasks done.
ADHD Recommended Paper Planners
Read about ADDitude Magazine's best reader-recommended paper planners for individuals with ADHD.
Your Personal Bill of Rights
Personal Bill of Rights
I have the right to ask for what I want….
What To Do With Your To-Do List
Your To-Do list is intended to help you know what you need to do next. If it’s not doing that, then it’s not yet Your To-Do List.
Creating Habits Through Habit Stacking
Habit Stacking is a method of building new habits around already established habits. It makes creating habits easier and far more likely to succeed.
Organizational Tip: Shelves!
Drawers hide everything, but hide them too well making it difficult to find things again. With shelves one can see everything all at once, a huge relief for many with ADHD.
We Are Not Robots (ADHD or Not)
Humans are not robots. We are not perfect and that’s something I find my ADHD clients frequently forget. So it’s important for me to remind my clients that none of us are perfect, because a lot of times perfect is the standard my ADHD client is aiming for and it’s unrealistic, for anyone.
You want a Coach, not a Guru
The basic premise behind True Coaching is that you are capable. You are capable of learning to coach yourself. You are capable of setting goals and achieving them. You are capable of making decisions. You have tools and skills to learn, but you are capable. Gurus operate on the premise that you need someone to tell you what to do and think which means you will always need your guru.
Turn Your Phone Off
Turning your phone off is a radical idea. But our phones offer no completion, which is one reason people with ADHD can really feel held hostage by their phone and frequently cite it as the biggest, most annoying, time suck in their life.
A Letter From A Client
I love catching up with past clients and hearing how they are doing and this email left me grinning all weekend! I am elated that all the things she told me she dreamed of doing, she is in action on!
The No Zero Days Philosophy
The No Zero Day Philosophy is a powerful idea based around four simple rules. The first one, No Zero Days. “There are no more zero days. What’s a zero day? A zero day is when you don’t do a single... thing towards got going on.”
The Pomodoro Technique - Modified
You have a big project and you’re feeling so overwhelmed you can’t even motivate to begin. The whole task feels so impossible you don’t even see the point in starting. For some of my clients, this is where they dig into their toolbox and pull out the Pomodoro Technique.
Tenacity - An ADHD Super Power
te·na·cious (tə-nā′shəs) - adj. 1.a. Extremely persistent in adhering to or doing something; stubborn or relentless: "tenacious defenders of their harsh and pitiless land" (Dee Brown). b. Characterized by extreme persistence; relentless or enduring: tenacious detective work; tenacious superstitions.*taken from
The Time Timer
The Time Timer has been helping individuals with ADHD for the last 25 years by providing a visual representation of time passing. The timer is silent so there is no ticking time bomb, high pressure feeling with this timer, but rather the visual reminder of passing time feels like just the right amount of pressure. Learn ways to use it here.
ADHD and Time (mis)Perception
The ADHD Brain has difficulty with accurately gauging the passage of time. Those with ADHD struggle to be on time for events or to accurately estimate the time it takes to accomplish a task. But it doesn’t have to be like this, you can create external structures to help you have better Time Awareness.
Task Transitioning - How to Get Things Done
What happens when your computer reminds you it’s time to stop working on a project and go to a meeting? Or when you’re watching a Netflix show, but your phone reminds you it’s time to begin your bedtime routine? For many of my ADHD clients the answer is: Nothing. Switching between tasks can be a difficult ask for individuals with ADHD. Here’s a strategy my clients have used with success.
Body Doubling? What’s that?
“Body Doubling”. In its simplest terms it means sitting with another person while you both work or going somewhere where there are other people also working. Learn more about why it works and how it works for Adults with ADHD.
How to Beat Decision Overwhelm… Run Science Experiments!
A lot of individuals with ADHD struggle with Decision Overwhelm. I like to address the issue from the perspective of a Science Experiment. People are far more willing to make a decision in the spirit of an experiment, when they know the goal is to learn and adapt based on the results.
Creative Alarms to Wake You Up
Getting up in the morning can be difficult for adults with ADHD. Here are some alarm clocks on the market that are recommended by clients or seem unique enough to help rouse the body and mind of an individual with ADHD.